Kelly Packer mug

Kelly Packer

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Thomas Jefferson famously wrote in the Declaration of Independence that, “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” This affirmation laid the groundwork for our nation’s democratic process, which remains the standard for the free world. However, in recent years, federal support for our election infrastructure has failed to keep pace with the system’s evolving needs, leaving election workers across Idaho in the unenviable position of administering secure, quality elections on steadily shrinking budgets.

Between fiscal years 2018 and 2020, the federal government appropriated anywhere from $380 to $425 million in election infrastructure to furnish our election workers with badly needed equipment and staffing. Unfortunately, only $55 million was dedicated to this purpose in the recent fiscal year 2024 appropriations package, which does little to make a dent in the growing backlog of urgent needs across the country.

Kelley Packer is the Executive Director of the Association of Idaho’s’ Cities and served as a Republican State Representative for Idaho’s 28th district from 2012-2018.

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